
Despite actress Maggie Smith’s wonderful performance, there are a ton of McGonagall moments which were left out of the Harry Potter films.


Through the various online forums that speak to the history of Harry Potter characters, it has been said that Lily Evans and James Potter had been amongst Professor McGonagall ‘s favorite students. McGonagall started teaching at Hogwarts supposedly around 1956.


She was born in 1935, graduated in 1954, and worked at the Ministry two years after graduation before asking Dumbledore to work as a professor at the school. If this timeline is canon, then McGonagall definitely would have taught James and Lily as they were at Hogwarts during the 70s.


There is a moment inHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanwhen Harry becomes frustrated with this strict professor. Not only did she not help himget permission to go to Hogsmeade, but, after the Firebolt is mysteriously sent to him, McGonagall had it confiscated.


She did this at Hermione’s urging, as the Firebolt arrives before Harry knew Sirius Black’s true intentions. In the film, the Firebolt appears at the end, but, in the book, this gift is received much earlier.


The scene when the Minister and the Hogwarts professors discover that Barty Crouch Junior had been acting as Mad-Eye Moody is severely cut in the film. The book demonstrates that after learning that Mad-Eye has been locked in the trunk for the better half of the year, Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, has dementors give Barty Crouch Jr. the Dementor‘s kiss.


This is an extreme mistake as Crouch Jr. would have been key in determining if Voldemort had really returned. But, considering Fudge didn’t want to know the truth, it makes sense that he let this happen. McGonagall is so furious with Fudge for this careless move that she yells at him in a way that makes Harry a bit terrified of this typically docile professor.


InHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,the Golden Trio sneak under Fluffy’s trap door in order to prevent the stone from being stolen.Among these obstacles is the giant chess set which, as it turns out, is Ron’s specialty.


Dumbledore had his most trusted professors, including Snape and Qurril, set up these seemingly impossible courses in order to prevent anyone from getting the Sorcerer’s Stone. McGonagall is actually the one who set up and transfigured the giant chess set to its frightening potential.


If you really paid attention during the films, you might know that Professor McGonagall is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She does appear in a scene alongside Snape and the rest of the Order inside Grimmauld Place.


However, her responsibilities as part of the group aren’t discussed in the film at length. McGonagall has been part of the Order since the First Wizarding War which took place in the 70s and 80s.







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