国际啤酒日 | 快来跟蓝精灵一起了解比利时啤酒吧


Today is International Beer Day. Our lovely Belgian Smurfs, liningup in the colors of the Belgian flag, wait for a beer tastingwith glasses in their hands. I bet you could tell that the color of the beer corresponds to the skin color of each Smurf!Want to know what type of beer these beers belong to? 5types of Belgian beer will be introduced to you all, let’sfindout!

01 修道院啤酒 TrappistBeer

修道院啤酒是现代比利时啤酒中的重要流派,只有真正由修道士亲身参与酿制的才可以称作Trappist(特拉比斯特啤酒)。啤酒要想获得 Trappist 认证,其酒厂必须建在修道院内,必须由修道士亲身参与酿制,最终的利润也必须用于支持修道院或社会项目。



Brewery at Abbey Notre Dame de Saint Remy, Rochefort

Beers brewed inTrappistmonasteries are termed Trappist beers. For a beer to qualify for Trappist certification, the brewery must be in a monastery, the monks must play a role in its production and the policies and the profits from the sale must be used to support the monastery or social programs outside.

Beyond their being mostly warm fermented, Trappist beers have very little in common stylistically. Trappist is characterized by strong taste, high degree and bitterness.

02蓝比克啤酒 (比利时酸啤酒) Lambic Beer


Lambicis awheat beerbrewed in thesouthwest ofBrusselsby spontaneous fermentation.Most modern beers arefermentedby carefully cultivated strains of brewer’syeasts.The beer then undergoes a long aging period ranging from three to six months (considered “young”) to two or three years for mature. It is this unusual process which gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry,vinous, and cidery, with a slightly sour aftertaste.

03贵兹啤酒 (香槟啤酒)Gueuze Beer

贵兹啤酒是将一年和两到三年的蓝比克混合再装瓶进行二次发酵得到的。它的味道不同于传统的麦芽啤酒和拉格啤酒,几乎没有或没有大多数其他啤酒风格的传统啤酒花风味和香气。此外,蓝比克啤酒特有的野生酵母使Gueuze 也拥有了有干涩、类似苹果酒、醋酸和乳酸的味道。许多人将这种味道描述为酸味和“类似谷仓”。由于其碳酸化作用,Gueuze 也被称为“布鲁塞尔香槟”。Gueuze是真正让比利时人自豪的“香槟啤酒”,因为Gueuze出现的时间比法国香槟还要早。

Gueuze is made byblendingyoung (1-year-old) and old (2- to 3-year-old) lambics, which is bottled for a secondfermentation. It tastes different from traditionalaleandlagerstyle beers and has little to none of the traditional hop flavor and aroma that can be found in most other styles of beer. Furthermore, the wildyeaststhat are specific to lambic-style beers give gueuze a dry,cider-like, musty, sour,acetic acid,lactic acidtaste. Because of its carbonation, gueuze is sometimes called “BrusselsChampagne”. Gueuzereally makes Belgians proud sinceitappeared evenearlier than French champagne!


04 克里克啤酒KriekBeer


Kriekalso plays an important role in Belgium beers. It ismade by fermenting lambicwithsour Morello cherries.In addition to cherries, Kriek can also bebrewedwithother varietiesof sour cherries such as blackcurrants, raspberries and strawberries.The excellent Kriek has bright and attractive colors and moderately sweet and sour taste. It is dubbed “Pink Champagne” by Belgians. This beer is very popular in Belgium, especially for women who like sweet and sour taste.

05皮尔森啤酒 PilsBeer

皮尔森啤酒是比利时啤酒行业生产和消费的主力军。Stella Artois(时代啤酒)、 Jupiler、Maes、Primus、Cristal(克里斯特啤酒)等等,低温度发酵啤酒或比尔森啤酒是最有名的。这种啤酒比较淡、色泽金黄、可以添加少量或者大量啤酒花。

Pils makes up the bulk of beer production and consumption in Belgium.Stella Artois, Jupiler, Maes, Primus, Cristal … Low-fermentation orPils beersare the best known. It’s a light, golden-coloured beer that can be lightly or heavily hopped.


There are countless types of beer in Belgium. (So there’s something for everyone!)Cheers!


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